
Lo que debemos entender, said the blind man

'Quizás hay poca justicia en este mundo, the blind man said. But not for the reasons which the sepulturero supposes. It is rather that the picture of the world is all the world men know (...) For the world to survive it must be replenished daily. Somos dolientes en la oscuridad. Todos nosotros. ¿Me entiendes? Los que pueden ver. Los que no pueden ver.'

'The boy studied the face in the lamplight. Lo que debemos entender, said the blind man, es que últimamente todo es polvo. Todo lo que podemos tocar. Todo lo que podemos ver. En esto tenemos la evidencia más profunda de la justicia, de la misericordia. En esto vemos la bendición más grande de Dios.'

'The woman rose. She said that it was late. The blind man made no move to do so. He sat as before. The boy looked at him. Finally he asked him why this was such a blessing and the blind man did not answer and did not answer and then at last he said that because what can be touched falls into dust there can be no mistaking these things for the real.'

Un fragmento the The Crossing, el segundo libro de la Trilogía de la Frontera, de Cormac McCarthy.

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